
ci JSR

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the postgresjs client.

🚀 Getting started

Install dependencies

deno add @byzanteam/kysely-deno-postgres-dialect

Optional: Import using imports in deno.json, if you dont want to use npm registry.

  "imports": {
    "kysely-deno-postgres-dialect": "jsr:@byzanteam/kysely-deno-postgres-dialect",
    "postgresjs": "",
    "kysely": ""

Use kysely-deno-postgres-dialect

  1. Define your database schema
import postgres from "postgresjs/mod.js";
import { type Generated, Kysely } from "kysely";
import {
  wrapTransaction as wrapTransactionFn,
} from "kysely-deno-postgres-dialect";

interface UserTable {
  id: Generated<number>;
  name: string;

interface Database {
  users: UserTable;
  1. Setup the kysely instance before using it
setup(() => {
  const dialect = new PostgresJSDialect({
    postgres: postgres(
        database: "postgres",
        hostname: "localhost",
        password: "postgres",
        port: 5432,
        user: "postgres",
        max: 10,

  return new Kysely<Database>({
  1. Make your own wrapTransaction function that incorporates a database context
async function wrapTransaction<T>(
  callback: Parameters<typeof wrapTransactionFn<Database, T>>[0],
): Promise<T> {
  return await wrapTransactionFn<Database, T>(callback);
  1. Use the wrapTransaction function to execute queries
const users = await wrapTransaction(async (trx) => {
  return await trx.selectFrom("users").selectAll().execute();

🩺 Testing

See examples at ./tests/testing/utils_test.ts.

setupTesting function is provided to set up the testing environment. It stubs transaction functions, and each test runs in a transaction that is rolled back after the test. Theoretically, tests are isolated from each other, and can be run in parallel.

  1. Add a helper function to setup the testing database
// test_helper.ts

import { PostgresJSDialect, setup } from "kysely-deno-postgres-dialect";
import { Kysely } from "kysely";
import postgres from "postgresjs";

export function setupTestingDB() {
  setup(() => {
    const dialect = new PostgresJSDialect({
      postgres: postgres(
          database: "postgres",
          hostname: "localhost",
          password: "postgres",
          port: 5432,
          user: "postgres",
          max: 10,

    return new Kysely<Database>({
  1. Setup the testing environment in the test files, and write tests
// test files

import { setupTesting } from "kysely-deno-postgres-dialect/testing";
import { stub } from "jsr:@std/testing/mock";
import {
} from "jsr:@std/testing/bdd";

setupTesting({ stub, beforeEach, afterEach, beforeAll, afterAll });

describe("this is a description", () => {
  it("works", async () => {
    // snip