πŸ“ Anzu

Anzu is very light CLI tool for checking whether files have license header

Anzu help output Anzu example output


Remember you have to have deno path set when installing. Do it using this bash command: echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.deno/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc You may want to replace ~/.bashrc with your shell rc config, eg. ~/.zshrc for zsh

  • Without explicit permissions:
    • deno install -n anzu https://deno.land/x/anzu@1.0.0/src/cli.ts
  • With explicit permissions:
    • deno install -n anzu --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net https://deno.land/x/anzu@1.0.0/src/cli.ts
  • You can also do deno run https://deno.land/x/anzu@1.0.0/src/cli.ts without actually installing it

πŸ“š Why not deno_license_checker

I got discouraged from deno_license_checker because of several things, majorly:

  • Its size – 177KB
  • Performance
  • Requirement of config file
  • Doesn’t ask for permissions – they have to be specified otherwise it’ll exit

Anzu solves some of these problems:

  • It’s significantly smaller – 27KB
  • In my case its multiple times faster (benchmarks needed)
  • Every option has to be set in CLI
  • If you want to launch same command using one command – just create bash script that does that (see here)
  • If permissions aren’t specified it automatically requests you for them

Why not Anzu?

  • It’s not compatible with windows (Im 99.9% sure, but didn’t tested it)
  • If you prefer having external config file Anzu probably isn’t for you

What can Anzu also do?

  • Additionally it can load license template from given URL and Path
  • It can search for license using RegExp
  • Exclude files and directories using regexp
  • You can see full functionality using -h option.

🀝 Contributing

I’m open to any idea and criticism. Feel free to add any commits, issues and pull requests!

πŸ“ Licensing

This project is available under MIT License conditions.