Clay - Deno Command Line Parser

tests deno doc

Easily convert command line arguments to objects. Try the example:

$ deno run --help


A simple command with two options, one of which is required.

import { Command, number, string } from "";

const cmd = new Command("A simple example.")
  .required(string, "name", { flags: ["n", "name"], description: "The name." })
  .optional(number, "age", { flags: ["a", "age"], description: "The age." });

console.log(; // { name: string, age: number | null }

Anonymous (positional) arguments, as well as simple yes / no flag options are supported as well.

import { Command, string } from "";

const cmd = new Command("Example with anonymous arguments and flags.")
  .required(string, "file")
  .flag("overwrite", { aliases: ["o"], description: "Overwrite the file." });

console.log(; // { file: string, overwrite: boolean }

A command group can contain multiple sub-commands. Notice that empty commands are also possible.

import {
} from "";

const create = new Command("Create a new resource.");
const destroy = new Command("Destroy a given resource.")
  .required(integer, "id")
  .required(choice("CONFIRM", ["y", "yes", "ok"]), "confirm", {
    flags: ["confirm"],
    description: "Confirm this action.",

// `Command`s can be collected into `CommandGroup`s.
const manage = new CommandGroup("Manage imaginary resources.")
  .subcommand("create", create)
  .subcommand("destroy", destroy);

console.log(; // { create?: {}, destroy?: { id: number, confirm: "y"|"yes"|"ok" } }