
Danet - Deno web framework.

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  • Modules - exactly what you think they are.
  • Controllers - To handle requests.
  • Dependency Injection - Let Danet take care of instantiating stuff for you when it is the most convenient.
  • AuthGuards - Handle your Authentication/Authorization. The whole App get guard, Controllers get guard, Methods get guard, and you get a Guard…
  • Decorators - Modules, Controllers, Method, Body, Query Params, do more with less code !


Task State
Controllers and routes creation with Decorators (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH) Complete ✅
Module with dependency injection Complete ✅
Request, Response and Body injection in Routes via decorators Complete ✅
Route parameter decorator factory to easily create param decorators (even async) Complete ✅
Url params injection in Controllers with Decorators Complete ✅
Guards implementations for controllers and methods Complete ✅
Global guard Complete ✅
@Inject('token') to use with interfaces Complete ✅
Exceptions Filters In progress ⌛ (ETA 15 May)
Create documentation In progress ⌛ (does it even end ?)
Logger Waiting
Handle OPTIONS and HEAD Waiting
Anything we have in mind Waiting


Documentation will be available at https://sorikairox.github.io/Danet/

How to use

If you are familiar with Nest (and if you’re not, go check it out), you will not be lost.

In this simplified example, we are building a todo-app:


  controllers: [TodoController],
  injectables: [TodoService]
class TodoModule {}


class TodoController {
  //todoService will be automatically injected at runtime with DI
  constructor(private todoService: TodoService) {

  getTodos() {
    return this.todoService.getTodos();

  getOneTodo(@Param('id') todoId: string) {
    return this.todoService.getOne(todoId);

  createTodo(@Body() todo) {
    return this.todoService.createTodo(todo);

  UpdateTodos(@Body() updatedTodos: Todo[]) {
    return this.todoService.updateMany(updatedTodos);

  UpdateOneTodo(@Param('id') todoId: string, @Body() updatedTodo: Todo) {
    return this.todoService.updateOneById(todoId, updatedTodo);


//By default, injectables are singleton
class TodoService {

  //create  your own DatabaseService to interact with db, it will  be injected
  constructor(databaseService: DatabaseService) {

  getTodos() {
  // implement your logic

Run your app

const optionalPort = 4000; 
const app = new DanetApplication();
await app.listen(optionalPort); //default to 3000