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Ensure you are running a minimum version of Deno, Typescript, or V8

⚠️ Warning The examples in this README pull from main. you may want to “pin” to a particular version by using git tags in the URL to direct you at a particular version. For example, to use v1.2.0 of hyperupcall/ensure, you would want to import https://deno.land/x/ensure@v1.2.0/mod.ts.


Note that it hasn’t been tested with rc-1 type release versions yet

import { ensure } from 'https://deno.land/x/ensure/mod.ts'

  denoVersion: "1.0.0",
  typeScriptVersion: "3.8"


You can pin to a specific version. Here are some examples:

# deno 1.0.3 and std v0.53.0