grammY Commands Plugin

This plugin provides a convenient way to define and manage commands for your grammY bot. It simplifies the process of setting up commands with scopes and localization.


This plugin is available at

Core Concepts

The Commands class

The Commands class is the foundation of this plugin. It allows you to create commands by specifying their names and descriptions, along with additional attributes such as scopes and localization.

The ctx.setMyCommands method

The ctx.setMyCommands method, provided by the plugin, offers a convenient way to dynamically set the available commands for the current chat. By invoking this method and passing an instance of the Commands class, you can override the default command scopes and make all commands accessible within the current chat. This feature is particularly useful when you need to customize the command set for specific chat contexts, ignoring the predefined scopes, which allows for a more tailored and context-aware usage of bot commands.


Managing Commands For Multiple Scopes

To manage commands for multiple scopes at once, create an instance of the Commands class, add your commands to it, and then call the setFor method of the class instance. Check out this example:

import { Bot } from "";
import { Commands } from "";

const bot = new Bot("<your_bot_token>");
const cmds = new Commands();

// Define your commands...

await cmds.setFor(bot);

Managing Commands For The Current Chat

To set the commands for the current chat, you can use the ctx.setMyCommands method of the Context object. For that, you will need to install the CommandsFlavor to your context, and create an instance of the Commands class, to which you add your commands to and then pass to ctx.setMyCommands. This will override the predefined scopes and make all commands available to the current chat. Here’s an example:

Please note that this only works in updates which have a chat object. If is not defined, an error will be thrown ar runtime.

import { Bot, Context } from "";
import { Commands, CommandsFlavor } from "";

type MyContext = CommandsFlavor<Context>;
const bot = new Bot<MyContext>("<your_bot_token>");

bot.on(":text", async (ctx: Context) => {
  const cmds = new Commands();

  // Define your commands...

  await ctx.setMyCommands(cmds);

Defining Commands

To define a command, use the command method of the CommandsPlugin instance. The command method takes two arguments: the command name and the command description. Here’s an example:

commands.command("help", "Sends help");

Setting handlers

The underlying class returned by the .command() method extends the grammY Composer class. That means you can use .use, .filter, .branch, .chatType and every other Composer method you already know and love. Alternatively, you can pass your middleware as a third parameter to the .command() method. You can also use the onChatType method of the Command class to define middleware specific to that chat type. Here are some examples:

Example 1

commands.command("start", "Starts the bot", (ctx) => {
  ctx.reply(`Hello, ${ ?? "there"}!`);

Example 2

commands.command("start", "Starts the bot")
  .onChatType("private", (ctx) => ctx.reply(`Hello ${}!`))
  .onChatType(["group", "supergroup", "channel"], (ctx) => ctx.reply(`Hello members of ${}!`))


You can localize command names and descriptions using the localize method. The localize method takes the language code, the localized command name, and the localized command description. Here’s an example:

commands.command("help", "Sends help")
  .localize("de-DE", "hilfe", "Sendet Hilfe");


Scopes determine the availability of each command, enabling you to control whether a command can be accessed in all group chats, private chats, or limited to chat administrators. Commands can be assigned to different scopes using the addToScope method. Here’s an example:

commands.command("help", "Sends help")
  .addToScope("chat_administrators", "@grammyjs")
  .addToScope("chat", "@SpecificUserChat");

Setting Commands for Current Chat

To set the commands for the current chat, you can use the setMyCommands method of the Context object. This will override the defined scopes and make all commands available to the current chat. Here’s an example:

bot.on(":text", async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.setMyCommands(commands);

This will set all commands defined in the commands instance for the current chat.


Example 1: Help Command

This example shows how to define a basic help command:

commands.command("help", "Sends help")
  .localize("de-DE", "hilfe", "Sendet Hilfe")
  .addToScope("chat_administrators", "@grammyjs")
  .addToScope("chat", "@LWJerri");

Example 2: Stats Command

This example shows how to define a stats command for group chats:

commands.command("stats", "Sends group stats")
  .addToScope("chat_administrators", "@grammyjs")
  .addToScope("chat", "@LWJerri");

Feel free to add more commands and customize them according to your bot’s needs.

Note: This plugin is designed specifically for grammY and is intended to be used with the grammY bot framework.