grammY Emoji

Adds emoji parsing for grammY. Check out the official documentation to learn more about this plugin.


import {...} from "";

Example Usage

bot.command("ping", async (ctx) => {
    // Don't know emoji names? No problem!
    // Press Ctrl + Space on supported editors to
    // see IntelliSense auto-completion magic.
    await ctx.reply(ctx.emoji`Pong! ${"ping_pong"}`);
    // > Pong! 🏓

bot.command("start", async (ctx) => {
    await ctx.replyWithEmoji`Welcome to my bot! ${"grinning_face_with_big_eyes"}`;
    // > Welcome to my bot! 😀

Pull Requests

Contributions are more than welcome! Just make sure if there is already a similar PR, so you can contribute from there.