Url Builder

A Deno Module for Building Urls Fast & Easy


Just import the buildUrl function from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CodingCarter/url_builder/master/mod.ts and explore! It takes in two parameters with the second being optional. The first parameter is a string and that is the url of that you want all of the options to be added onto after. The second parameter is an object that matches the BuildUrlOptions interface which is show below:

interface BuildUrlOptions {
  path?: string | string[];
  queryParams?: QueryParams;
  hash?: string;
  paramsArrayValueSeparator?: string;
  paramsBeforeHash?: boolean;
  forceLowercase?: boolean;

and the QueryParams interface:

interface QueryParams {
  [queryParamKey: string]: string | string[];

Here is an example usage:

import { buildUrl } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CodingCarter/url_builder/master/mod.ts";

buildUrl("https://example.com", {
  path: "about",

The above code buildUrl function will return "https://example.com/about". Now, let’s start to look at all of the options that you can take advantage of!

The following code will return "https://example.com/about/me"

buildUrl("https://example.com", {
  path: ["about", "me"],

The following code will return "https://example.com?testing=true"

buildUrl("https://example.com", {
  queryParams: {
    testing: "true",

The following code will return "https://example.com?testing=true1,true2"

buildUrl("https://example.com", {
  queryParams: {
    testing: ["true1", "true2"],

The following code will return "https://example.com?testing=true1|true2"

buildUrl("https://example.com", {
  queryParams: {
    testing: ["true1", "true2"],
  paramsArrayValueSeparator: "|",